Assalamualaikum . maaf dah lama tak update blog . heee ~ *mmg slalu cm nie ! wakakakaka :P
oke . hari nie hari ibu sedunia . lalalalalala ~ SELAMAT HARI IBU utk semua ibu & ibu sya . Moga ceria-ceria selalu . ! :)
Btw . Yatt mau story about my mom ! ohhh . her is so kind & sporting . her face & i also same ! HAHA . sometimes . ade orang call us sibling . HAHA ! so funny larh .
But i respect her bcoz her tbah mnghdapi sgla ujian . Ohhh , no all people can do it ! :)
But i respect her bcoz her tbah mnghdapi sgla ujian . Ohhh , no all people can do it ! :)
beautiful right ? HAHA . of coz larh . i love u damn much mom !
u are the best mom in world . u always with me . i dont know what will happen to me if u not still wif me . huwaaaa Y_Y
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